Empowering Clinicians with Autonomous Intelligent Systems

In the Advanced Robotics and Computationally AugmenteD Environments (ARCADE) Lab, we develop collaborative intelligent systems that support clinical workflows to increase the access to - and expand the possibilities of - highest-quality healthcare. In designing these systems, we pioneer human-centered solutions that are enabled by synergistic advancements across imaging, computer vision, machine learning, and interaction design and that are embodied in emerging technology such as mixed reality and robotics.


We develop collaborative intelligent systems that support clinical workflows to increase the access to—and expand the possibilities of—highest quality healthcare.

See what we’ve published  →

Data and Software Resources

We work to further the larger community by making our data and code freely available as much as possible.

See what we’ve built  →


We regularly offer two courses: CS 482/682 Machine Learning: Deep Learning and CS 486/686 Machine Learning: Artificial Intelligence System Design & Development.

View our class pages  →